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Membership and registration

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We are a global diverse home for more than 156,000 engineering and technology professionals in 148 countries and we will support you at every stage of your career, whether it’s developing new capabilities or perfecting established ones.

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Discover the benefits of membership

From building technical knowledge and staying up to date with the latest trends with our leading 新萄新京十大正规网站 publications, to perfecting your specialisms at 新萄新京十大正规网站 events and courses, to achieving professional recognition as an engineer or technician with our Professional Development programmes, our membership package will provide you with all the tools you need to achieve great things.

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Manage your membership

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Discover how to tailor your membership so you get access to the right 信息 for you and can access all the tools, benefits and support you need.

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帮助 us to engineer a better world

We raise money to support the next generation of engineers to find solutions to our most pressing problems.



Contact the membership team if you have any questions.

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